
The 59th Sheffield Cub Pack are a popular Cub Pack near Hunters Bar in Sheffield. We stick to a pack size of roughly 30 Cubs and often have a waiting list.

The Pack is divided into five smaller teams, known as ‘Sixes’- blue, green, purple, red and yellow- with each Six having a Sixer (Team Leader) and Seconder (Sixer’s deputy). Sixers and Seconders are chosen by the Leaders and selections are based on behaviour, age and experience. Your child’s six is represented by the coloured ‘woggle’ that keeps their neckerchief together (once they experience Cubs more, they may choose to buy woggles from campsites or similar, this is totally fine for them to wear as long as they remember their six colour and you give us back the original coloured woggle).

We enjoy learning useful skills, such as First Aid, DIY and home safety during the dark winter evenings, and then when spring arrives we like to go camping, hiking and cycling. Firelighting and outdoor cooking is definitely one of our favourite activities!

Sometimes we have to work things out for ourselves, but usually we work in our teams (called "sixes") to get the job done! Our leaders look after us and make sure we're having fun, but they definitely don't babysit us...

We meet on Wednesday evenings, from 6.30pm (6.45pm start) until 8.15pm at the Scout Hut, unless told otherwise :)

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